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Regulatory Compliance & Phishing Email Security Training


Regulatory Compliance & Phishing Email Security Training

When organizations manage personal and sensitive data, they need to comply with regulations. Computer-based tests (CBTs) are useful, but they won’t prevent breaches—they don’t expose and educate users to real-world threats. Moreover, to stay on top of evolving compliance requirements you need continually refreshed CBT content, which means extra work for busy compliance teams.

Cofense CBFree

The Problem

We check the compliance box, but that doesn’t prevent breaches.

To check compliance boxes, IT teams make compliance-specific trainings and resources available to employees, often though computer based training (CBTs). However, just offering and mandating CBTs to employees isn’t enough to protect the organization against advanced threats to sensitive data. Employees may retain some knowledge from formal training, but CBTs aren’t foolproof and breaches can still happen.

Our Solution:

Cofense PhishMeTM

To make sure you’re not just checking boxes, Cofense delivers more. Besides FREE compliance-mandated CBT modules—on GDPR, healthcare compliance, payment data compliance, and more—Cofense PhishMe offers training based on phishing simulations. It’s valuable exposure to real-world phishing threats.

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Our training content gets quickly outdated.

Too often, awareness programs only seek to satisfy compliance requirements. Their mainstay: computer-based training (CBTs). But watching videos only proves that employees know how to click “Next” until they’re finished. It doesn’t really tell you if they can apply what they learn and identify phishing emails.

Our Solution:

Cofense CBFreeTM

Owing to new and updated requirements, compliance standards continually evolve. If your existing training is not updated, you could run into trouble. Not educating employees with the latest information opens you up to risk and compliance-related fines.

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